Dry firing a gun is often necessary to check its status and ensure all rounds have been removed. Our double-walled clearing traps make this a safe and simple process.
This trap may be used to check handguns and rifles (up to .223 & .308), with complete confidence that the trap’s armor steel chamber filled with composite rubber will safely contain any unexpected shots fired.
The Action Target Full Size Clearing Trap is perfect for shooting ranges, locker rooms, armories, gunsmiths, and correctional facilities.
CAD0.41 EA if 1000+
Designed for the US Army Special Forces as a "Low Percentage" Shot Army Target
Size: 23" x 35"
CAD0.52 EA if 1000+
SWAT team SEB training target. Standard "Q" target with vital areas. Green
Size: 23" x 35"
CAD0.52 EA if 1000+
Modified SEB target. Standard SEB target with modified command training target shapes. Black.
Size: 23" x 35".
CAD0.52 EA if 1000+
SWAT team SEB training target. Standard "Q" target with vital areas. Blue.
Size: 23" x 35"
CAD0.56 EA if 1000+
South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy B-21M silhouette Target. Modified B-21NS Target Black.
Size: 24" x 40"
CAD0.76 EA if 1000+
Santa Clara County Qualification target. Hostile silhouette. Gray
Size: 24" x 45"
CAD0.54 EA if 1000+
The SB-ANT series is the next generation of anatomy targets. Designed for the MN Center for Criminal Justice, this target emphasizes vital impact areas and distinct mass points of aim. Just as the SB-
CAD0.60 EA if 1000+
The SB-1 target was designed for the MN Center For Criminal Justice. The target was designed to tighten & improve shot grouping. Offers distinct center mass points of aim. Green, Yellow, Red, Oran
CAD0.54 EA if 1000+
The SB-4PH Black & White Photo-Target was designed for the MN Center for Criminal Justice. Targets are designed to implement a training program used to improve shot grouping & emphasize vital
CAD0.66 EA if 1000+
Smith & Wesson Target/Bobber/Facer with a gun. Black & Yellow.
Size: 19 1/2" x 24"
CAD0.54 EA if 1000+
Target designed by the Reston Group for their Firearms Training Program.Features various training options, including subdued IDPA target scoring lines.
Size: 23" x 35"
CAD0.49 EA if 1000+
Variable distance reduced B-21E target. Features three reduced B-21E silhouette targets used to simulate 50, 75 & 100 yard distances with one target. Process Blue
Size: 25" x 38"
CAD0.54 EA if 1000+
Version A of Vital Anatomy combined with Q Scoring. Q-ANT series targets. Black & white photo-target that combines vital anatomy and the "Q" scoring pattern. Allows for the combination of qualific
CAD0.52 EA if 1000+
Q-CB Target paper repair facer cut to fit exactly over cardboard Q target. Extends the life of cardboard Q targets.Gray.Size: 19" x 31"
CAD0.45 EA if 1000+
Paper FBI/DEA style modified center mass target.Gray.Size: 23" x 35"
CAD0.52 EA if 1000+
Paper FBI style modified center mass target. Gray. Size: 23" x 35"
CAD0.41 EA if 1000+
FBI/DEA center mass Q target on manila colored target paper. Gray. Ivory Paper. Size: 22 1/2" x 34 1/2"
CAD0.54 EA if 1000+
Black & white photo-target with Q center mass scoring pattern. Size: 23" x 35"
CAD0.41 EA if 1000+
FBI/DEA center mass Q target on bright white paper.Gray.Size: 22 1/2" x 34 1/2"
CAD0.54 EA if 1000+
Q-WPD - Black & white photo-target with Q center mass scoring pattern. Size: 23" x 35"
CAD0.52 EA if 1000+
This one target combines both the full size B-27E silhouette with a highly visible FBI-Q scoring pattern.Note: Our placement of the "Q" scoring pattern is much more anatomically correct than some comp
CAD0.54 EA if 1000+
Black & white photo-targets designed to meet the Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards (MCOLES) TCQ-95 target requirements.
CAD0.56 EA if 1000+
Designed for advanced rifle/pistol training.
Size: 23" x 35"
CAD0.41 EA if 1000+
3 inch circle dot command training target numbered 1 thru 10. Reduced size sheet of paper to fit on smaller backer or Military E Target. Size: 20" x 25".
CAD0.54 EA if 1000+
Target that emphasizes vital impact areas. Designed for the Federal Way Police Dept. SERT Team. 3 tones of gray. Size: 23" x 35".
CAD1.94 EA if 1000+
Reduced version of the standard VSRT Vital Impact Area Target. Target area is REDUCED TO 50% of the original size. Great for indoor ranges & rifle training.
Size: 17.5" x 23" Color: Black & G