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Eberlestock RASR Rapid Acquisition Shooting Rest

Brand: EberlestockEberlestock
CAD140.83 EA
Cost: CAD140.83 EA -
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For long range accuracy, a stabilizing rest of some sort is a fundamental item. This has led the community from resting on rocks to resting on back- packs (of which we approve)... and we now move from resting on bipods or shooting sticks to something that simply works better. Traditional bipods have several limitations: first, you have a narrow field of fire, restricted to the geometry of your body position vs. bipod elevation and position. To adjust things, you have to drag the bipod through the dirt, and you have to come off your gun to make rough changes to elevation. There is no fine tuning. In the end, you either scrunch, or lift your torso in order to get the sights on target. Enter the RASR ™ Rapid Acquisition Shooting Rest. Simple to set up, it allows you to adjust for both azimuth and elevation while looking through the sights, while staying on the gun. You easily and smoothly adjust to the situation, even to include radical declivity shooting. It opens up a whole new window of targeting that you can't comfortably get without a highly adjustable rest.
-Got an obstacle, such as tall grass, brush, or a berm to shoot over? The RASR comes with a set of extension rods that allow you to set up very stable sitting and kneeling positions, both of which are superior to using shooting sticks, to say nothing of keeping away from offhand shots.
-The next great advantage to the RASR is that it eliminates bipod skip. Your rifle makes a more natural recoil, so that follow-up shots take very little readjusting.
-Comes with three variable extension rods -- one for high prone, one for sitting, and one for kneeling. Use with any standard bipod (sold separately).

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