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Fox Labs Sudecon Decontaminant Towelette - 100 Pack

Brand: Fox Labs InternationalFox Labs International
CAD211.25 EA
Cost: CAD211.25 EA -
Sudecon® is the first and only product of its kind. Fox Labs' patented formula doesn’t use alcohol/ethanol, and is so safe that it won’t harm you even if it is ingested accidentally. Nothing completes decontamination and restores vision faster, easier, more safely or reliably than Sudecon®.
  • Instantly decontaminates by lifting & removing chemical agents from the skin.
  • Spontaneously stops the burn—opening eyes and restoring vision usually in 7-15 minutes or less!
  • Unmatched effectiveness on all types of defense sprays: OC, CS, CN, OC/CS
  • Easy-to-use: just open towelette and wipe all affected areas.
  • Sudecon® is a topical solution that is used on closed eyes.
  • NO need to force eyes open and spray them repeatedly like with other products.
  • Can be applied ‘prior to training exposure’ to reduce the effects of all types of defense sprays.
  • Field-proven by military, federal, state & local law enforcement, EMS and medical personal as the superior decontaminate to all other alternatives.
  • Easy-to-carry for quick access—3½” x 4” pouch opens to big 7.5 x 11.5 inches and can be conveniently carried on belt in glove pouch or in a shirt pocket.
  • Requires NO additional soap or water and contains all natural ingredients
  • Cleans-up leather gear, handcuffs, steering wheels, etc.
  • Sudecon® reduces liability concerns in all areas
  • Environmentally safe: ‘Patented formula’ is comprised of baby-type shampoo, sugar and water.
  • Non-toxic, non-flammable, non-irritating

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