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Mitee-Bite Long Length Machinable Uniforce Clamps

Brand: Mitee-Bite CNC Fixture ClampsMitee-Bite CNC Fixture Clamps
CAD7.03 EA
Cost: CAD7.03 EA -
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Long Length Machinable Uniforce® Clamps

Mitee-Bite products introduces the long length Uniforce® Clamp with machinable jaws. The long length clamping jaws give you greater versatility to machine the clamp to conform to the shape of your workpiece, enabling you to fixture difficult applications easily.

The specially designed steel wedge spreads the clamping force uniformly on both sides of the 7 1/2″ (190mm) long, 7075-T6 aluminum channel. One locking plate is recommended for each drive screw when machining the clamp to your specifications (sold separately). These clamps are available in our most popular sizes (see chart below). Custom clamps can be fabricated in different lengths to fit specific requirements. Channel and steel wedge are not drilled or plated.

PATENT NO. 6126159

Locking plate is used only to machine jaws, remove to clamp workpiece
Locking plate required to machine channel without vibration (Sold separately)

Part N0.Model


Part N0.ModelA*BCDEF+H**IMax
Force (lbs.)
60051 500 Channel 1.125 .50 7.50 .420 .25 .18 2-56 8-32 2.5 500
60052 500 Steel Slug NA NA 7.50 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
60071 750 Channel 1.500 .75 7.50 .632 .37 .26 6-32 1/4-20 10.8 1500
60072 750 Steel Slug NA NA 7.50 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
60101 1000 Channel 2.000 1.00 7.50 .820 .50 .39 6-32 5/16-18 10.4 2000
60102 1000 Steel Slug NA NA 7.50 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
60151 1500 Channel 3.000 1.50 7.50 1.215 .75 .62 10-32 1/2-13 28.3 3500
60152 1500 Steel Slug     7.50 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
* The distance needed between workpieces for clamp clearance, drill and tap mounting holes on the center of “A” dimension.
+ The amount of machinable stock on jaws.
** 4 mounting screws (H) and 3 drive screws (I) included.
Does not include plating or drilled holes.



Part N0.ModelA*BCDEF+HITorque
Max Holding
Force (N.)
80051 500 Channel 28.6 12.7 190mm 10.67 6.3 4.6 M2 M4 3.40 2225
60052 500 Steel Slug NA NA 190mm NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
80071 750 Channel 38.1 19.1 190mm 16.05 9.4 6.6 M4 M6 14.30 6675
60072 750 Steel Slug NA NA 190mm NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
80101 1000 Channel 50.8 25.4 190mm 20.83 12.7 9.9 M4 M8 14.50 8900
60102 1000 Steel Slug NA NA 190mm NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
80151 1500 Channel 76.2 38.1 190mm 30.86 19.1 15.7 M5 M12 38.40 15575
60152 1500 Steel Slug NA NA 190mm NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
* The distance needed between workpieces for clamp clearance, drill and tap mounting holes on the center of “A” dimension.
F+ The amount of machinable stock on jaws.
** 4 mounting screws (H) and 3 drive screws (I) included.
Does not include plating or drilled holes

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