Mitee-Bite Pitbull Clamps

Brand: Mitee-Bite CNC Fixture ClampsMitee-Bite CNC Fixture Clamps
CAD105.62 EA
Cost: CAD105.62 EA -
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Pitbull® Clamps

The revolutionary Pitbull® Clamp remains the lowest profile, highest holding force clamp in the industry today. High vertical and horizontal clamping forces are generated, considering the size of the Pitbull® Clamps.

It uses a standard cap screw and an oil resistant O-ring. The Pitbull® Clamp is available in 5 sizes and several styles, a tool steel knife edge for aggressive stock removal, a tool steel blunt edge for general purpose, a brass version to help prevent marring the workpiece and a machinable version.

Unique Features of Pitbull® Clamps

  • Extremely low bite
  • Positive down force
  • High resistance to rip-out
  • Simple, sturdy, high quality design and components
  • Gain maximum tool access to your work
  • Virtually eliminate lost work
  • Great option with hydraulic
            Courtesy of Straitline Components

Creating Fixtures is Easy. . . Simply:

  • Machine a slot for the Pitbull® Clamp.
  • Drill and tap a hole for the cap screw.
  • Assemble the clamp as shown in the diagram.
  • Position clamp as shown in diagram and loosely screw to fixture.
  • Insert workpiece and tighten cap screw.

PATENT NO. 6435496


Part No. DescriptionABClamp Width
Max Torque
Force (lbs.)
No. Clamps
Per Package
26000   Tool Steel, Knife Edge .150 .140 .375 .075 .260 4-40 1.30 650 .0075 8
26010   Tool Steel, Blunt Edge .150 .140 .375 .075 .260 4-40 1.30 650 .0075 8
26015   Brass, Blunt Edge .150 .140 .375 .075 .220 4-40 .41 200 .0075 8
26020   Tool Steel, Knife Edge .200 .187 .500 .100 .390 8-32 3.70 1500 .016 8
26030   Tool Steel, Blunt Edge .200 .187 .500 .100 .390 8-32 3.70 1500 .016 8
26040   Brass, Blunt Edge .200 .187 .500 .100 .340 8-32 2.00 400 .016 8
26050   Tool Steel, Knife Edge .300 .280 .750 .150 .570 1/4-20 14.50 3600 .024 6
26060   Tool Steel, Blunt Edge .300 .280 .750 .150 .570 1/4-20 14.50 3600 .024 6
26065   Brass, Blunt Edge .300 .280 .750 .150 .440 1/4-20 4.10 950 .024 6
26070   Tool Steel, Knife Edge .400 .450 1.00 .250 .710 3/8-16 30.00 6000 .050 4
26075   Tool Steel, Blunt Edge .400 .450 1.00 .250 .710 3/8-16 30.00 6000 .050 4
26080   Tool Steel, Knife Edge .600 .640 1.50 .375 .770 1/2-13 108.30 12000 .075 2
26085   Tool Steel, Blunt Edge .600 .640 1.50 .375 .770 1/2-13 108.30 12000 .075 2
* D is clamp height.



Part No. DescriptionABClamp Width
Max Torque
Force (N.)
No. Clamps
Per Package
56000   Tool Steel, Knife Edge 3.81 3.55 9.52 1.90 6.60 M2.5 1.8 2800 .190 8
56010   Tool Steel, Blunt Edge 3.81 3.55 9.52 1.90 6.60 M2.5 1.8 2800 .190 8
56015   Brass, Blunt Edge 3.81 3.55 9.52 1.90 5.59 M2.5 .56 875 .190 8
56020   Tool Steel, Knife Edge 5.08 4.75 12.70 2.54 9.90 M4 5.6 6600 .406 8
56030   Tool Steel, Blunt Edge 5.08 4.75 12.70 2.54 9.90 M4 5.6 6600 .406 8
56040   Brass, Blunt Edge 5.08 4.75 12.70 2.54 8.64 M4 2.8 1750 .406 8
56050   Tool Steel, Knife Edge 7.62 7.11 19.05 3.81 14.48 M6 22.5 16000 .610 6
56060   Tool Steel, Blunt Edge 7.62 7.11 19.05 3.81 14.48 M6 22.5 16000 .610 6
56065   Brass, Blunt Edge 7.62 7.11 19.05 3.81 11.18 M6 5.6 4200 .610 6
56070   Tool Steel, Knife Edge 10.16 11.43 25.4 6.35 18.03 M10 40.6 26000 1.270 4
56075   Tool Steel, Blunt Edge 10.16 11.43 25.4 6.35 18.03 M10 40.6 26000 1.270 4
56080   Tool Steel, Knife Edge 15.24 16.26 38.1 9.52 19.56 M12 145.0 50000 1.900 2
56085   Tool Steel, Blunt Edge 15.24 16.26 38.1 9.52 19.56 M12 145.0 50000 1.900 2
* D is clamp height.

Knife Edge

Blunt Edge

Both versions of the tool steel clamps generate the same clamping pressure. However, the knife edge clamps bite into the material for more aggressive machining, while the blunt edge is less likely to mark the workpiece.

Fixture Examples

Using a steel rail behind clamp in aluminum fixtures when applying maximum torque prevents displacing metal at pivot point.


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