Dry firing a gun is often necessary to check its status and ensure all rounds have been removed. Our double-walled clearing traps make this a safe and simple process.
This trap may be used to check handguns and rifles (up to .223 & .308), with complete confidence that the trap’s armor steel chamber filled with composite rubber will safely contain any unexpected shots fired.
The Action Target Full Size Clearing Trap is perfect for shooting ranges, locker rooms, armories, gunsmiths, and correctional facilities.
CAD0.41 EA if 1000+
B-21E - 25 yard silhouette Black. Size 23" x 35"
CAD0.89 EA if 1000+
B-21XCNSP5X - Paper B-21X target with only center mass, head and "X" ring. No other lines or numbers. Black. Size: 35" x 45".
CAD0.41 EA if 1000+
B-21E/R33 - REDUCED B-21E silhouette target. This reduced 10 yard target is approved by the state of Florida for qualification shooting at a reduced distance. Great for indoor ranges. Silhouette is 67
CAD0.31 EA if 1000+
B-21E/R50-BL-REDUCED B-21E target. B-21E Silhouette reduced to 50% of original size. Blue. Size: 17.5" X 23"
CAD0.54 EA if 1000+
Vital Anatomy combined with B-21E scoring target. *Patent Pending* Black & white photo-target that combines vital anatomy and the B-21E scoring pattern. Allows for the combination of qualification
CAD0.54 EA if 1000+
Standard B-21E Target designed for the Miami Police Dept. Blue Size: 23" x 35"
CAD0.80 EA if 1000+
B-21F - Full size B-21F Targets Police training silhouette without X-Ring. Black on heavy white paper. Size: 35" x 45".
CAD0.66 EA if 1000+
B-21NS - New standard size B-21 Targets. Includes 5X-Ring. Black. Size: 27" x 38"
CAD0.72 EA if 1000+
B-21NSPH - New standard size B-21NS black & white photo-target. Includes 5X-Ring.Size: 28" x 40".
CAD0.66 EA if 1000+
B-21PCT - IRS/Kentucky style silhouette targets. Center mass scoring. Black & Gray. Size: 27" x 38"
CAD0.54 EA if 1000+
B-21TC Series Targets. Black & white photo-targets with B-21E target scoring. Size: 23" x 35"
CAD0.52 EA if 1000+
B-21E scoring target combined with human anatomy, version 1. Black & White photo target combines vital anatomy and the B-21E scoring pattern with a human figure that has the same dimensions as the
CAD0.45 EA if 1000+
B-21WSULEA: Outline of a standard paper B-21E target with the subdued center mass scoring. Scoring is shaded so as not to be seen at a distance of 7 yards or more. NOTE: Target is not die cut out but
CAD0.97 EA if 1000+
B-21X - Full size B-21X Targets Police training silhouette with 5X-Ring. Black Size: 35" x 45"
CAD0.80 EA if 1000+
B-21XPH - Full size black & white photo-target with B-21X scoring. Size: 35" x 45"
CAD0.25 EA if 1000+
B-27 Repair center. Fits Black B-27E, B-27F, B-27CB(F), B-27CB, B-27S & B-272002targets. Black Size: 12.5" x 18.5"
CAD0.29 EA if 1000+
B-27 Repair center for B-27NCJA & B-27E PROS targets. Black & Gray & Orange. Size: 12.5" x 18.5"
CAD0.41 EA if 1000+
B-27E - Economy B-27 Target, Full size B-27 silhouette cut off below 7 ring. Black. Size: 23" x 35"
CAD0.66 EA if 1000+
Designed for the Shelby County Sheriff's Office, Firearms Training Unit. Full size B-27 silhouette cut off below 7 ring on long paper. Black Size: 24" x 45"
CAD0.41 EA if 1000+
B-27E PROS - B-27E Target with shaded scoring rings starting outside & going dark to light with a bright orange center.B-27NCJA silhouette with bottom cut off.Black & Gray & Orange. Size:
CAD0.52 EA if 1000+
B-27E/R Target Reverse of Standard B-27E Target. White silhouette on black background Size: 23" x 35".
CAD0.54 EA if 1000+
"SHOOT FOR THE CURE" Target designed for Discount Firearms in Las Vegas incorporating the "Pink" color recognized for the fight agains Cancer. This standard B-27 scoring target is highlighted by is bo
CAD0.54 EA if 1000+
" SHOOT FOR THE CURE"B-27E-NPT Pink "Shoot For A Cure Targets." B-27E scoring target is highlighted by bold "Pink" color recognized for the fight against Cancer, black background and white center. Par
CAD0.52 EA if 1000+
B-27E-LGR High visibility fluorescent green target.Great for indoor rangesSize: 23" x 35"
CAD0.52 EA if 1000+
B-27ER-VTTC Target Reverse of Standard B-27E Target. White silhouette on black background Added black "10-Ring" for sight point for longer distances. Size: 23" x 35".
CAD0.80 EA if 1000+
B-27F - Full size B-27 silhouette. Black. Size: 35" x 45"
CAD0.52 EA if 1000+
Oklahoma CLEET silhouette with a gun. Gray with Black gun. Size: 23" x 35"
CAD0.72 EA if 1000+
INDIANA LAW ENFORCEMENT ACADEMY PAPER TARGET B-27-IN-P: Indiana Law enforcement Academy PAPER Qualification Target. Modified B-27 Target. Light Gray. Size: 25" x 45".
CAD0.56 EA if 1000+
INDIANA LE ACADEMY TARGET REPAIR CENTER: Indiana Law enforcement Academy Target Repair Centers for B-27-IN-P paper target only. Color: Gray Size: 13.5" x 19"